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SEO Success: 160% Increase In Clicks & 131% Increase In Impressions For Sila Over 3 Months YoY

About the Brand

SILA is a Real Estate Platform, providing Facility Management, Project Management/Advisory and General Contracting services to various sectors. With a diverse client base of large Corporates, Real Estate funds, Landowners and Developers.


Organic Traffic.


Real Estate


Search Engine Optimization

Case study subject

Search Engine Optimization

Delivery Overview

  • Sila is a well known facility management company in the urban Indian market. While they’re so well known in their space in the physical world, it was impossible to find them online if you were their prospective customer.
  • With this problem statement, we wanted to bring Sila into the consideration set of high end customers looking for a solution that Sila provided.
  • We began with a quick look at the current website of Sila and felt that we could do justice with the same website from a SEO perspective, hence we didn’t recommend any major UI/UX changes on the website, which could add as an additional cost head for the client.
  • Instead, we focused on working with the existing pages, content elements & URL structure to prepare a SEO strategy that would yield results in a short duration of time.
  • We fixed the low hanging fruits first – which included bettering the keyword density on the entire website, implementing & updating SEO elements like ALT tags, sitemaps, robots, adding more content on pages necessary to increase the word count and fixing the hygiene SEO elements overall
  • We even went ahead and did a competitor research to exactly understand which results on SERPs could we displace and thus occupy that space. Our entire strategy was then aimed at that particular slot in SERP.
  • Right tracking of traffic data was also very important to show progress to the stakeholders and hence complete analytics setup, conversion funnels & events was completed from our end.


    • Total clicks increased from 4.21K to 11.1K (growth of 160%).
    • Total impressions increased from 120K to 278K (growth of 131%).
    • Sessions improved by 121.48% over the last 3 months compared to the previous year.
    • Users increased by 108.27% in the same time frame.
    • New Users increased by 109.56% in the same time frame.

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