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57% Increase in Clicks & 102% Increase in Impressions for DnH Secheron Over 12 Months Using SEO

About the Brand

D&H Sécheron is one of the leading welding manufacturers in India. Incepted in 1966, D&H Sécheron is an ISO 9001-2015 certified company that offers a comprehensive range of welding solutions in the form of consumables, equipment, training, and fabrication. We have been constantly challenging the status quo in the welding space with their state-of-the-art production facilities, engineering prowess, and widespread dealer network, thus, bringing forth the core values of Quality, Innovation, and Import Substitution into existence.


Website Traffic Enhancement




Search Engine Optimisation

Case study subject

Search Engine Optimisation

Delivery Overview

  • DnH is a well known welding equipment manufacturer in the country and wanted to set up their online sales channel via DigiChefs, back in 2017. We’re still working with them (as of July 2024).
  • With our SEO solution, we told them how we could bring in relevant leads to their website, that they can pre-qualify using a pre-sales team and then pass it on to their sales team.
  • The goal of this SEO campaign was to bring out the key facets of the company, their achievements over 75+ years of legacy and they could help the next customer.
  • The key SEO strategy in this case was a mixture of 2 activities: to identify relevant product related keywords for leads & to write interesting long form content to build top of funnel (which they later used to remarket using ads as well)
  • Thorough SEO implementation with the above 2 strategies helped us meet the client goals and thus lead to a very deep rooted partnership between DnH & DigiChefs.
  • We worked from the grass root level on their website from a SEO perspective. Right from meta tags, content, image optimisation, heading tags, page speed, sitemaps & everything else.
  • Over these years, we have also kept on updating our SEO strategy for them, keeping in mind the latest best practices and algorithm updates by Google.
  • The goal of the SEO campaigns have kept on moving forward with new targets & challenges to overcome on a regular basis.


  • Impressions: Advanced from a solid 102.07% when comparing 2023 to 2024. This metric highlights that our website’s pages are being viewed more frequently.
  • Clicks: Grew by 57.34% over these 12 months. This growth implies that more users are engaging with our results on the SERP.

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