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15K Sign Ups Generated for a B2B SAAS Product | Instoried

About the Brand

Instoried’s advanced AI helps determine the emotional engagement quotient of content and also gives smart recommendations to enhance engagement with audiences. It aims at driving content engagement to get more clicks.


To increase subscriptions (sign ups)




Performance Marketing

Case study subject

Performance Marketing

Delivery Overview

  • The objective of the online campaigns was to encourage people to try their software.
  • The software analyzes the tone and emotions present in the content and suggests better words that help you stand out with amazing content.
  • We had to focus on generating traffic to the website before we move to conversion campaigns. Our goal for Instoried was to increase conversions and click-through rate month-over-month at the same time reduce their cost per action
  • We started with Facebook, Instagram, and Google and now we are exploring three new platforms for this brand – Twitter, Reddit & LinkedIn.
  • We focused on brand USPs and benefits that the users will get by using the software to improve CTR and conversion rate.
  • We had customized ad communication and different ad formats to drive more conversions and reduce cost per action.


  • Conversion Campaign Stats: Reach: 1,619,193 | Impressions: 88,61,105 | Sign-ups: 14,952 | Cost per action: 96
  • Generated traffic over 1L+ in 6 months.

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