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6X ROAS for A Wealth Management & Advisory Firm | Purnartha

About the Brand

Purnartha is a SEBI-registered equity investment advisor, with offices in 8 cities in India. They cater to a diverse base of domestic, NRI and institutional clients. Their investment philosophy of investing and creating a financial portfolio of high quality stocks has beaten benchmarks such as NIFTY over the long term.


Lead Generation




Performance Marketing

Case study subject

Performance Marketing

Delivery Overview

We implemented the below strategies to improve the quality & quantity of the leads:

  • Demographic Specificity: Focused on age, income, and lifestyle to reach Purnartha’s ideal customers – HNIs and UHNIs over 35 in the locations (like Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Kolkata etc) that they had sales presence in to improve end conversions.
  • Creative Varianting: Based on thorough makret research, we identified the pillars that are deeply impact decission making in this domain: Trust, Historic Performance & Investment Phylosophy. We created different content pieces based on these & used them in different consumer funnels to get the best results.
  • User-flow Optimization: The customer workflow was redesigned smartly to encourage higher & relevant lead flow. Historic Performance & fees were clearly mentioned on the landing page to improve relevant leads. Multiple CTAs were added to improve lead generation mechanism.



  • Improved Communication lead to boosted in CTRs by 23%
  • Generated 8087 relevant leads in a period of 12 months
  • Improved lead qualification ratio by 50%.
  • Achieved an ROAS of 5.89X for the brand.

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