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A Remarkable Surge Of 69% In Organic Sessions In Less Than 8 Months For CDP India: A 30-year Old IT Company

About the Brand

Prospering over a span of 30+ years, CDP India is an established and acknowledged entity in the field of Information Technology. They are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, providing best-in-class IT solutions, products, and services. Originated in 1991, CDP continues to enable cost efficiency and value delivery with an adaptive and futuristic approach. They take pride in serving a deluge of 1000+ clients all across India with offices in 6 distinguished cities, affiliating a strong and broad network. Their wide range of clientele includes Banking and Financial Sectors, Retail Distribution, Pharmaceuticals, Utilities, and Real Estate. CDP shares long-term, strategic alliances with world prominent OEMs, thus ensuring higher quality standards.


Organic Traffic.




Search Engine Optimization

Case study subject

Search Engine Optimization

Delivery Overview

  • CDP India as a well known IT consulting company needed a strong digital presence to meet their goals of getting prepared for the future in a digital world.
  • Being a B2B business, they needed to be present in the consideration set of customers whenever a prospect would look out for solutions that they provide.
  • To do so, the first activity we recommended to them was SEO. This would ensure that they receive high intent inquiries from folks who were also in the buying journey and were using Google find out partners.
  • We first did a thorough workshop with the client and understood their solutions & offerings thoroughly. Then we went through the website & did a thorough audit to see how they fare in their digital content when compared to the data they told us in the physical workshop.
  • Based on the audit, a roadmap was created on the SEO front. It included – UI/UX improvements, content improvements & SEO technical fundamentals.
  • The keyword research exercise was extensive and required multiple back & forth with the CDP India Team to ensure we’re choosing the right phrases. Ranking for irrelevant terms could make the sales team overloaded for no reason.
  • Our 75+ pointer on page checklist ensured each step of SEO was thoroughly audited and implemented for the client.
  • Once the on page implementation was finished, we moved attention to off page. To do so, we did competitor research and identified top domains with high DA that were giving backlinks to our competitors.
  • We also figured out several high quality websites to generate a backlink and push relevant link juice to the website.


  • 69.53%, 58.36% and 61.28% Growth in organic sessions, number of Users and New Users respectively over a 8 month period
  • 58% rise in our organic Goal Completions (lead form fills)
  • 70% increase in clicks and 124% increase in impressions over the 8 month period
  • 29 keywords out of the 50 shortlisted keywords were ranking on first page after 8 months

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