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An explosive 118% increase in engagement for our Diwali Campaign – #GiftOfNutrition | Nutrihance

About the Brand

Jubilant Nutrihance is a leading dietary & health supplements brand in India, offering a Protein powder health drink, MULTIOMEGA capsules, and UB GOLD pills.
All of their products are nutrient-rich, 100% veg, sugar-free & made with the finest of ingredients available in the market.


Leverage the festive season to drive product awareness and engagement


Lifestyle & Nutrition


Social Media

Case study subject

Diwali Campaign

Delivery Overview

  • The idea was to convey to the audience that during the festive season, while enjoying the sweet treats, one can still prioritize health with the #GiftOfNutrition.
  • We aimed to communicate to the audience that they can make Nutrihance their health partner during the festive season.
  • The primary objective was to create product awareness by highlighting the benefits and promoting it as a new-way of gifting.
  • Our secondary objective was to boost engagement by announcing a Diwali Giveaway wherein five lucky winners could win #GiftOfNutrition hampers.
  • We also rolled out tips & tricks, mythbusters, engagement posts, and informative content on how to keep your nutrition in check during the festive season.
  • A dedicated campaign hashtag #GiftOfNutrition was created for identification of the brand campaign, and maximize reach and traction.

Campaign Creatives


The campaign was exceptionally successful! Here are some statistics on the same:

  • From September to October, the engagement on Instagram skyrocketed to 118%
  • We reached more than 503K unique accounts.

More than 27K accounts engaged with our content.

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