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Moment Marketing is nothing but the techniques marketers use to promote their products or brands based on trending news, events, or instances. This practice takes place on different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. 

The best example of Moment Marketing can be celebrity weddings nowadays. If you have noticed, whenever famous celebrities get married, brands shower their gratitude via social media posts; meanwhile, they are promoting their brand as well. To make your Moment Marketing game strong, consider taking the help of social media marketers!

If you are still wondering why brands should practice Moment Marketing, then here is your answer!

Moment marketing allows the brand or business to take advantage of current and ongoing events to create connections & marketing collateral while these events are happening. 

Now, let’s jump to the main question. How much is too much of “Moment Marketing”?

If a brand participates in way too many or every single moments that comes across, there’s the risk of losing identity in some ways. Because if a user comes to your page, he may feel like it is a meme page. There are chances that the identity of the brand will be associated with fleeting moments or fleeting trends rather than anything original that the brand stands for.  

However, Moment Marketing is a must and you should do it! 

Thus, DigiChefs’ Creative Director Sarvesh Blanc has tried to simplify the concept of Moment Marketing. To know more in detail, please have a look at the above video.