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Generated 2K+ Quality Leads for One of the Top MBA Institutes based in India | IIM Kozhikode

About the Brand

The Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode is an autonomous public business school located in Calicut, Kerala. The institute is a leader in post graduate programmes in various fields like Finance, Business Leadership, PHDs & executive programmes with Interactive Learning Mode for working executives.


Generate qualified leads for their 3 programs:

  • 1 year Full time MBA
  • Post Graduation Program in Business Leadership
  • Executive MBA Program



Paid Advertising

Case study subject

Paid Advertising

Delivery Overview

A thorough media strategy was created based on:

  • User-flow Optimization: The customer workflow was redesigned smartly to encourage higher & relevant lead flow. Course curriculum & fees were clearly mentioned on the landing page to improve relevant leads. Multiple CTAs were added to improve lead generation mechanism.
  • Demographic Specificity: Since there were 3 programs that we were working for & the audience for Full time MBA was freshers & working professionals, while the audience for Business Leadership & executive MBA was experienced processionals our campaign structure was created accordingly.
  • Extensive A/B Testing: Since all 3 programmes were for a slightly different segment of audience, we created multiple sets of communication to evaluate the image & tonality that resonates best with each audience set. To imporve open rates for Sponsored Message campaigns we created 3 variants of subject lines for each communication and ensured that there are at least 5-6 ads per campaign in-line with LinkedIn best practices.
  • Dynamic Optimization: Continuously Refined Targeting Based on Performance Data available on LinkedIn based on user demographics, seniority, designation, company, industry, etc. We utilized all these data inputs to tweak the campaigns further to improve lead quality. “


  • Generated 2K qualified leads in 3 months for all the three programs.
  • The courses were fully subscribed by the end of the engagement tenure.
  • Had a 25% lower CPA Year-on-year for the executive MBA program.

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