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Increasing Organic Traffic by 172% over 1 year for a Mystery Shopping Service Provider

About the Brand

The client is one of the top mystery shopping service providers in India. They have been present for more than a decade now and have some elite clients themselves.


Website Traffic Enhancement


Mystery Shopping


Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Marketing 

Case study subject

Search Engine Optimisation

Numbers hidden for confidentiality purposes

Delivery Overview

The client belongs from the mystery shopping domain. They conduct mystery surveys via genuine buyers. These surveys are conducted for multi store brands all across the world.The client aimed at getting more organic traffic on the website to attract new mystery shoppers and clients too.Their website lacked a holistic SEO setup, so a project plan was put in place and the same was executed.

The website faced two issues in this period:
Google Core Update: March 12, 2019 (first quarter of the project)
Googles Website De-indexing bug hit the website twice.
In both instances the SEO team figured out reasons and made the technical changes and submitted the website for indexing again.

These steps ensured we don’t get hit on our streak of positive growth every month.


The website organic traffic grew 10% – 30% every month. Annual organic traffic improved by 172% compared to the previous year.

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