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Tips To Create A High-Converting Landing Page For Your Business

Conversion Rate Optimisation, is unarguably the most crucial aspect of building a landing page. Simply creating a page that looks appealing isn’t enough. It has to serve its purpose too & in a way that provides ease and comfort to a user’s journey. Deep Mehta, the Co-Founder at DigiChefs has some great insights on creating a high-converting landing page.

While creating a landing page for your company or digital marketing agency, remember that each fold of your landing page needs to tell a story.This story should answer the questions that come into the users minds when they visit the landing page. The content on the landing page should be worthy enough so that it will convince them to spend more time on the landing page.

In the second fold, you can talk about who you are. For e.g, you can talk about your experience in your segment, your team, and so on and so forth.. In the next fold, you can elaborate on your products and services in a short and precise manner. Don’t make your landing page too long. Coming to the next fold, here you can probably explain to your users how you are different from your competitors. You can put some testimonials or data pointers that really prove that your product is valuable and unique. If you have offline businesses, you can add your office location or the number of offices you have globally.

Once you answer all these fundamental questions of the users in the above mentioned order, your landing page will definitely improve and look a lot better than before.